해외 언론 기사

Says the duplicity of Japan

책향1 2012. 9. 17. 10:21



尖閣列島(中国名釣魚島)の領有権をめぐる中国と日本の紛争が日増しに激化している。一昨日と昨日、中国の80以上の都市で数万人が暴力を動員した反日デモを行った。中国内の日本企業や商店がデモ隊の襲撃に燃えたり、略奪されたし、日本人暴行事件も相次いだ。官営メディア北京補充は "日本に核兵器の洗礼を抱かなければならない"とし、極端な主張を展開した。人民解放軍の幹部は "日本の自衛隊が釣魚島に進入すると、対応措置をしなければならない"とし、軍事力の使用の可能性を示唆した。




Says the duplicity of Japan

The dispute between China and Japan over the sovereignty of the Senkaku archipelago dyaohwidaoh (China) and aggravated day by day. Day before yesterday, and yesterday more than 80 cities in China in the violence mobilized tens of thousands of people staged anti-Japanese protests. Japanese firms in China and shops burned or looted of protesters stormed the Japanese assaults danghaetgo It weighed. "Nuclear weapons in Japan should put extra baptized," said state media Beijing supplementation extreme argued Entering the Japan Self-Defense Forces in the dyaohwidaoh countermeasures "should," said the People's Liberation Army cadres have hinted at the possibility of the use of military force.

Sharpening confrontation between China and Japan in Northeast Asia, and the dark clouds of imminent valance has primary responsibility in Japan. China has been effective (实效) dominated its territory that claims to be the Senkaku Islands in Japan and the fact that a direct collision damage. Then, China carried out the nationalization of the Senkaku by the Japanese government immediately declared territorial waters steamer set and let line spent 12 sea miles of the island's waters in marine monitoring. Starting tomorrow, more than 1,000 Chinese fishing chuck is waiting to enter the waters of the Senkaku. Japan Tensions will stimulate China.

Causing immense suffering to the people of South Korea and China to the Pacific War, Japan angyeojwotda Nevertheless, Japan in the past, such as the Nanjing Massacre or military comfort women mobilized to pray for forgiveness, let alone humanity (反 人 伦) deny war crimes, or the people of South Korea and China to reveal the territorial ambitions anger made. Japan, Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara's rightist bought the island if China and friction debt concerns inevitable claims that government purchases is nothing but an excuse. Is why Japan distrust live from neighboring countries to explore themselves.

China should stop the acts of violence being perpetrated against Japanese companies and the Japanese protesters. Violence against civilians warring between countries is unacceptable. Territorial dispute between China and Japan is going to go as far as the situation, if we can not stop the dark future of the entire Northeast Asian region. Apple and a true reflection of Japan, China, the sober restraint of bilateral conflict Comical is the first step.